I have not spoken to you of this before. The audio message tells the story of the theme of this Blessing from the Trees. It is a story of how a verse from Psalms (110:7) came to me upon waking one morning and then I heard it again and sought out its meaning. I was taken to a deep place of understanding and wisdom. Two days ago it came up again and I saw even more. Here for the first time I am sharing a bit of that wisdom.
A Blessing from the Trees
There is always a source of blessing along your way.
Wherever that way leads you there is the source of your blessing.
You move as humans and wherever you move that is where you drink from the source of blessings for your soul.
All that is required is for you to feel your spiritual soul roots connected in the moment and in the place.
When you come among us, the trees you feel our connection to source and blessing and flow.
As humans you can feel this wherever you go.
You bring the source of blessing with you.
Because on your way, wherever that way is, is your source of blessing.
It requires only for you to become aware of it, to intend to connect to it and it is there for you.
This is the unique ability and gift of humans to move your soul into connection in every place, time and circumstance.
It requires only the awareness and the intention to drink from this source of blessing and receive the connected flow from it.
This will nourish your soul, quench the thirst and yearning you have for the presence of the Holy One.
This is what it means to drink from the stream that is always along your way.
This is the meaning of the verse that tells you that you can drink from the spring that is on your way and then you can lift up your head.
This means that when you become aware of the source of blessing and connection and healing and guidance that is always a stream along your way and you drink with intention and awareness from the source stream it will lift up your consciousness.
Your head means your awareness, your connection.
Your very consciousness will be elevated when you are aware and drink from, access and intentionally call upon this source of blessing.
This stream of wisdom, guidance and blessing is always there on your way.
This is also the connection of the InStory Way to what is on the way of everyone.
You must have your own unique path in order to be able to drink from it and then to elevate your consciousness and your awareness.
The trees are an access point of connection for humans to become aware of this ability that you have.
It is not unique to any one place.
It is what you bring with you along your way.
Along all your ways.
Always in all ways.
Listen to the Audio Message Here