InStory Live- GET UP! What happen when I tripped and fell in the forest and the message I received! What are you doing to get back up and out of your old story and live into your bigger vision and your new story of what’s possible? My message to you today is get up!
InStory Live- A sleeping baby in my lap so sweet! And some Jewish teachings on the power of opening a new gate a possibility every day. Leading into the new year and new vision and what’s possible for you in each moment, each day each month each year! and what does it mean to polish the diamond that is your soul! Thursday is the new moon and the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul. 
InStory Live- Look for my grandson Kai and his joy to light up your day! And what does light up your day? Are you following joy and living your soul story? Well……
InStory Live- Join me and my beautiful grandson Kai for some morning inspiration. How to know if you are living your soul story. Are you doing whatever it takes to put yourself first? If not why not? From where are you emanating? Are you still doing most of what you do by being pulled by other peoples stories are you leading with your soul story? Watch his video and post a comment and let me know what you think.
InStory Live- How to shift out of your old story and move forward. What do you do to shift? What gives you joy? Are you doing it? Watch this video for a little encouragement and a little nudging!
InStory Live- What brings you joy? Are you following the calling of your soul? In this video I describe a process it helped me get more in touch with the essence of my soul calling and lead from that place. Drop a comment and let me know if this resonates with you. 
InStory Live- Deep story work! Reflection, what was your week like.
InStory Live- What brings you joy? Are you committed to creating and living a life that is fulfilling and fills you with joy? Watch his video let me know!
InStory Live- On being strong. Are you strong? What does that mean to you? Are you living in an old story that says that you are a week and not enough? Watch this video for some tips on shifting out of your old story and standing strong in a new story.
InStory Live- Wisdom from babies! Remember you are already amazing and you are loved unconditionally who you are. Your soul is beautiful and so are you. And remember your story matters!
This is our grandson Kai and he is two months old! And he sends you his blessing as well!