InStory Live- A sleeping baby in my lap so sweet!

InStory Live- A sleeping baby in my lap so sweet! And some Jewish teachings on the power of opening a new gate a possibility every day. Leading into the new year and new vision and what’s possible for you in each moment, each day each month each year! and what does it mean to polish the diamond that is your soul! Thursday is the new moon and the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul. 

InStory Live- Join me and my beautiful grandson Kai for some morning inspiration.

InStory Live- Join me and my beautiful grandson Kai for some morning inspiration. How to know if you are living your soul story. Are you doing whatever it takes to put yourself first? If not why not? From where are you emanating? Are you still doing most of what you do by being pulled by other peoples stories are you leading with your soul story? Watch his video and post a comment and let me know what you think.