InStory Live- A great day for UP! Look up! What lifts you up! How have you gotten back up in your life? How do you pull out the wisdom from your stories and uplift somebody else. Take some time today to look up and to uplift somebody else.
InStory Live- Learning to stick to your job! Looking for the sweetness in life.
InStory Live- A beautiful grandma moment! Kai Amichai and I are reminding you that you have a pure soul. Are you living your soul story? We are sending you blessings to remember that you are beautiful and pure and are here to shine your light!
InStory Live- The search for blessings! Look for the blessings in your life. Our stories of how we have gotten back up over and over become our wisdom and allow us to bring blessings into the world. How can you be a blessing, give blessings and feel blessed?
Sending you all blessings!
InStory Live- Kai my inspirational assistant. Miracles! New life and possibilities.
InStory Live- Continuing the metaphor of the tree and the forest. How do you see yourself as both the tree and the forest and how do we see the world and all that is happening as a whole forest of good and extract the ones that are bad. It’s a little bit of my rant about why I think it’s most important to focus on sharing what’s good.
InStory Live- Two powerful themes today for you to think about what is the difference between giving and receiving and when do you do each
InStory Live- What does it mean to live your soul story? Why are we so inspired by the presence of a new soul in the world? What’s in a name? And what is Kai’s Hebrew name?
InStory Live- Grandma says, feel the blessings in your life and tap into joy! Today is a special day in our family as our grandson receives his special entry into the Jewish people!
On another note listen in for some teachings on how to tap into an expanded sense of joy no matter what is happening! Sending you all blessings!
InStory Live- Spontaneous forest addition! Watch this video for a tip on how to tap into joy and trust yourself no matter what!