InStory Live- airport edition! And stay tuned it gets better sound a little ways in. I want you to think about how to be grateful connect with people raise up the vibration and bring more joy into your life and the lives of those around you. Listen for some more inspiration and have a beautiful Thanksgiving.
InStory Live- Tapping into gratitude. Some tips on connecting to being thankful and grateful and why it’s so powerful and cool to do it right now as we are approaching the holiday of Thanksgiving!
InStory Live- How to tap into joy as a way of shifting out of old stories and contracted energy and into an expanded state. See if doing this will help you tap into the ability to trust yourself and your vision. Also a little on the difference between being nice and being kind.
InStory Live- How to tap into the light of your soul. How to shift out of contracted states into an expanded state.
InStory Live- Are you afraid to shine your light? Are you afraid to be seen and judged? Tune in to this video for some tips on how to shift out of that old story and shine your light!
InStory Live- The story of my extraordinary mother who flew her airplane around the world! Today was her birthday and I am remembering her! Also some tips on how to come out of hiding and dare to be seen!
InStory Live: Are you happy? Do you feel joy? Watch his video for some tips on how to connect to your inner joy no matter what your outer circumstances may be. And stay tuned if you’re interested for a spontaneous a poetry reading at the end!
InStory Live: How to see that everything that happens, happens for you! How do you see the blessings and benefits in the obstacles of your life and how do you use them to bring you closer to God and to your highest guidance! I am using my bruised ribs as an example and training ground! Ouch!
InStory Live- Start where you are. Trust your intuition! Your story matters. Watch this and then take an action to share an insight or thought or a story with someone. This is the week of the InStory experts and part of the InStory show and the theme of coming out of hiding and daring to be seen!
InStory Live- It’s my birthday! Tune in here to receive a blessing! I lead a deep InStory Guided process in this video! There is a tradition in my Jewish world that on a special day a blessing for you you have the power to give blessings to others. And that is what I will be doing here in this video.