INSTORY LIVE! Tuesday: Turning points. How do you turn a moment around? What are your tools for transformation?
INSTORY LIVE! Monday: Making moments into miracles! Making a multi dimensional shift of sorts! I will explain what I mean by that and how you can truly transform the moment in a moment.
Friday: Feeling fit fabulous and free!
Meet Alexis Cohen fellow creative artist entrepreneur! We both tell our stories here about how we got started in the online business world by going to Shanda Sumpter’s Zone Event!
If you have a deep creative and spiritual passion calling you forward and you know you’re supposed to bring it out in the world reach out to either of us and we will help you go to the zone event for a super good deal so you can get started bringing your vision out into the world!
INSTORY LIVE! Thursday: Thinking New Thoughts! What does it take to shift your way of thinking?
INSTORY LIVE! Wednesday: What’s Your WHY? What’s Your WAY? If not now, WHEN??
Tuesday: Tapping into Trust. Taking Time.
Monday: Making Moments Into Miracles
INSTORY LIVE! Friday: Feeling Fit, Fabulous and Free! And some powerful insights from my morning run that can turn around the way we do the work of our day.
INSTORY LIVE! Thursday: Thinking new thoughts! Nourishing your soul! Taking time to breathe in the moment!
INSTORY LIVE! Wednesday: What’s your WAY? What’s your WHY? What’s it take to show up for your life?