InStory Live- finding joy through distractions!
InStory Live- Some forest inspiration! Momentary magic.
InStory Live- Go outside! Look for blessings in nature and messages and inspiration! Do what you love first! Isn’t it funny that we always say we have to make ourselves do what we love! And come join my InStory Way year group if you have a soul calling you would like to fulfill!
InStory Live- A story and a process to shift your state and find more happiness.
InStory Live- Are you feeling open or constricted and stuck?
InStory Live- In what order do you do things? Much of our culture says first you have then do and then be.
In what order would you put these words in terms of how you function in the world have, do, be?
I’ll tell you what I learned in a deep Jewish teaching that aligns with many of the spiritual teachings we all follow that is I think the antidote to the epidemic of unworthiness! What do you think?
InStory Live- The power of mastering the use of metaphor as an aspect of story. I would love to hear your thoughts on if you use metaphor and how you use it and why it’s important to you. I share a bit about how are use it in through very different areas that are all very powerful and can bring a lot of success and transformation.
InStory Live- A teaching on the power of beginnings!
What does the very beginning of the Torah (the Old testiment) teach us about living an uplifted life! Some of my new insights for this year. And about water! What are your thoughts?
A Blessing from the Trees. A portal to your soul essence.
InStory Live- out on my walk with some inspiration and encouragement for you! Do you have a vision a story a message that is calling you from your soul to bring it out into the world? Are you doing it? Or do you feel stuck in the spin cycle because you don’t know how to do it all by yourself? I remember going through this myself and you can listen to a little of my story in this video. I’m here to remind you never give up don’t quit and get the support you need! And if you need some support that’s what I do send me a private message and let’s talk! Have a wonderful weekend! Shabbat shalom!