InStory Live-There is a way to get unstuck and out of the spin cycle and tell your authentic story and follow the calling of your soul!

InStory Live-There is a way to get unstuck and out of the spin cycle and tell your authentic story and follow the calling of your soul! even if you don’t know where to start! You begin by clearing your old stories that are holding you back. Then you open to accessing your authentic story and develop the confidence to share it with the world in YOUR way! I love stories! And your’s is worth telling! Ready?!! #congruentcontent

InStory Live- The last day in the Sukkah!

InStory Live- The last day in the Sukkah! Do you know how to take a sacred, powerful moment and turn it into a story and then turn that story into a process to transform your life and to teach and lead others? This is some thing I am beginning to teach and work on. Watch this video to understand how you can apply this to your life and your business. This is the power of what I call soul storytelling.

InStory Live: Baby wisdom from the Succah!

InStory Live: Baby wisdom from the Succah! Tune in and answer the questions I ask in this video to see if you are living your purpose in following the calling of your soul. I hope you will find inspiration in the way we feel in the presence of a baby. There’s a purity to their soul that we feel and you still have that and can share it with the world!

Instory Live- From my Sukkah! I share a teaching that has been powerful for me.

Instory Live- From my Sukkah! I share a teaching that has been powerful for me. It came to me this morning and it has three steps that can make a difference in how you feel and how you inspire others! Watch this video and let me know what you think.
And tune in to joy! This is the holiday of Sukkoth which has a focus on joy!

InStory Live- From my Sukkah! Sending you blessings of joy!

InStory Live- From my Sukkah! Sending you blessings of joy!
Is this you? Do you have a soul story calling you that lights you up? Do you know you have wisdom and light to share with the world? Watch this video for some tips on how to choose to lead with joy!
Sending you all joy and blessings!