Monday Metaphor Mastery How to turn moments into stories.
Friday Freedom and Freebees! What are you working on creating freedom from in order to have freedom for something?
Wednesday: What is your WHY? InStory Live! Often it is your story that holds the answer to that question.
Tuesday Telling Tales How to tell a story, how to use a story, what kinds of stories can you use for what and hear me actually tell a classic folk tale. Learn a bit on how you can use folktales in all kinds of business and inspirational settings. If you watch please share an insight!
A dose of Devorah on InStory Live! Monday miracle moments. How do you make a moment into a story and why are turning points such an important part of making a story work.
In story insights! And the power of purpose! How do we develop the confidence and clarity to step into our power and purpose? Learn more and join my upcoming InStory Path to Purpose 6 week course!
Seriously why did I do it? OK so it is not my first race. It is actually my 5th! But I am running them faster now and suffering more afterwards. The race before this one I did my fastest by far and got such a bad migraine… well let’s just say it wasn’t pretty! This time I…
I have recently discovered a new form of journal writing that launches me out of my busy and worried mind into a flow of surprise, wonder, imagination and sometimes even deep wisdom or wild fun! It is way too simple but that’s what I love about it! Give yourself 5 minutes to begin. Have pen…