InStory Live- What does it mean to live your soul story? Why are we so inspired by the presence of a new soul in the world? What’s in a name? And what is Kai’s Hebrew name?
Category Archives: Fb live series
InStory Live- Grandma says, feel the blessings in your life and tap into joy! Today is a special day in our family as our grandson receives his special entry into the Jewish people!
On another note listen in for some teachings on how to tap into an expanded sense of joy no matter what is happening! Sending you all blessings!
InStory Live- Spontaneous forest addition! Watch this video for a tip on how to tap into joy and trust yourself no matter what!
InStory Live-Shabbat shalom! Have a beautiful weekend! Take some time to look for the beauty around you and to feel deep gratitude. Lead in your lane. Find a way to shine your light and to share your soul story because we can bring more light into our world and perhaps we are birthing our world into a new light.
InStory Live- First Facebook live with my new grandson Kai! And here is where I want you to open your hearts you have miracles in your life! Just as this new life is coming to the world so new light is coming into our world. Take heart we can get back up. Just as it is so painful to birth a baby into the world so it is when our world is birthing into new light. Take heart shine your light lead in your lane and shine your light in your lane. Be committed to living your soul story and shining the unique light that you have within you out into the world. The small blocks of light that we shine make a difference!
We are here cheering you on! I guess Hector is going to have some competition on his star status!
InStory Live- The blessing of a new life born into this world! I am a brand new grandmother! The story of your vision! How are you going from your vision to your manifestation? What does that mean to you in your life? Are you telling your story? Do you value your life experience and are you sharing it? Sending you all blessings and feeling very blessed!
InStory Live- Blessings for the holiday of Shavuot! Breathe yourself bigger! Remember that you are already amazing! Pause in the moment and feel the expanded essence of your soul and let your light shine! I am sending you all blessings that this be a moment of great inspiration and wisdom and that you trust yourself your light and your wisdom and share it with the world!
InStory Live- How do you shift out of states that make you feel contracted and fearful into expanded states of Joy? Watch his video for some tips and let me know your thoughts in the comments!
InStory Live- How to pause in the moment and shift your energy! And ask yourself this question, what if you are already amazing? And then listen because I have a question about if something resonates with you and I would love to know your opinion.
InStory Live- What does it mean to be free to trust your intuition, tell your story and shine your light? Do you feel free and brave and able to be you? I would love to hear your thoughts on what helps you stay inspired expanded and uplifted! Sending you all blessings and inspiration!