Category Archives: Fb live series

InStory Live- From my Sukkah! This holiday is called the season of joy.

InStory Live- From my Sukkah! This holiday is called the season of joy. I heard the wonderful Brene Brown speak beautifully exactly today about how to tap into Joy by feeling grateful. She says gratitude is what leads to Joy. Tune in to this video to take it a little deeper so that you can shift your energy and tap into your calling, your purpose and your joy!

InStory Live- YOM KIPPUR! A miracle moment story that will help you turn your darkness into light.

InStory Live- YOM KIPPUR! A miracle moment story that will help you turn your darkness into light. When you shine light on your tears it creates a rainbow. Watch this video and tap into the courage and faith to come out of hiding and truly shine the light of your soul and share your soul story with the world!