Category Archives: Fb live series

InStory Live- Some questions and insights for you.

InStory Live- Some questions and insights for you. Are you a creative? Are you a visionary? Are you a leader? Are you a creative, visionary leader? You might be surprised that the answer is yes even if you don’t think it is. Watch this whole video and post in the comments or book Soul Story Session with me and I will show you the way! And watch farther to understand what is The InStory Way!
I am here cheering you on the world needs you and your story! Remember you have real wisdom to share!

InStory Live- My powerful Yom Kippur insight!

InStory Live- My powerful Yom Kippur insight! And also think about this. Where are you placing your attention? There are some tips in here for truly how to lift up your energy and become more aligned to the divine. Watch and comment below and let me know if this is helping you. Your comments mean a lot even if you’re watching the replay I still see the comments.

InStory Live- Special Yom Kippur edition!

InStory Live- Special Yom Kippur edition! How to find the holiness of your soul and to live your soul’s calling! This is a powerful day and I channeled down a very powerful blessing for all of you. This will be powerful for you no matter where you are and no matter when you listen. This is a blessing for you to open to the calling of your soul and have the clarity, courage and confidence to bring that beautiful soul message out in the world.