Tag Archives: Devorah Spilman

InStory Live- What does it mean to lead with your light?

InStory Live- What does it mean to lead with your light? Are you leading with your light, with your soul calling? Are you telling your story? If not watch this video and be inspired to be brave to make a difference in the world with your life your story and your souls calling!

InStory Live- Inspirational teachings to help you trust yourself, your story and lead with your light!

InStory Live- Inspirational teachings to help you trust yourself, your story and lead with your light! Do not stay stuck in the spin cycle! Who do you need to be Moses for and who is a Moses for you? Meaning when do you lead and when do you need someone to help you move forward? Lead with your light! Lead in your lane! Sending you all love and light and blessings for health joy and inspiration!

InStory Live- How do you cross the sea, move through your fear and into the light!

InStory Live- How do you cross the sea, move through your fear and into the light! Happy seventh day of Passover! May you find great light, great healing and great blessings and share that light and blessings with others! Sending you all love, healing and great blessings!