Tag Archives: Devorah Spilman

InStory Live- Thinking New Thoughts!

Thursday: Thinking new thoughts!
The power of visceral metaphor to transform your life! The metaphor of the pit. Have you ever felt in the pits? How to get out of the pit and notice your old thinking and change to new thinking and the power of that to change your life!

InStory Live- Making Moments Into Miracles!

INSTORY LIVE! Monday: Making moments into miracles! How to live and illuminated life and bring more light and love into the world! Here are some tips and tools to actually make that a reality. And some deep teachings on loving God!

InStory Live- Taking Time to Transform!

INSTORY LIVE! Tuesday: Taking Time to Transform! Can you take some time today to nourish your soul and go inside and uplift your spirit? Think about creating a retreat moment in your day. And think about coming on retreat with me to Mexico on November 4th!