Tag Archives: FB Live

InStory Live- Finding Your Flow. Feeling Fit, Fabulous, Fierce & Free!

Friday: Finding your flow. Feeling fit fabulous fierce and free. Why I need my morning practice to tap into all this. And what do you need to put in your life so that you can be in the flow feeling fit fabulous free and fine!

InStory Live- Thinking New Thoughts: How To Get Unstuck & Shift Your Energy

Thursday: thinking new thoughts. How to get unstuck and shift your energy when you feel yourself in a loop. Noticing what you’re thinking allows you to change to new thinking.
Sorry this one cuts off right at the end. But I just wanted to end with remember to pause in the moment and choose a new thought!

InStory Live- What is the Power of Your Story?

Wednesday: What’s you’re why? What’s your way? What is the power of your story? How often do we find ourselves copying or trying to please others rather than honoring our own deep story and our own unique path and way.
Trust your way, your self and your story!