Tag Archives: InStory Live

InStory Live- What does it mean to be free to trust your intuition, tell your story and shine your light?

InStory Live- What does it mean to be free to trust your intuition, tell your story and shine your light? Do you feel free and brave and able to be you? I would love to hear your thoughts on what helps you stay inspired expanded and uplifted! Sending you all blessings and inspiration!

InStory Live- A late breaking edition! The topic is free versus safe!

InStory Live- A late breaking edition! The topic is free versus safe! What guides your choices in life? Is being safe the highest criteria for action and choice? And where does sharing your story fit in? I believe were not always meant to play it safe and sometimes the most good is done in the world when people are courageous enough to take a risk. What do you think?

InStory Live- Morning inspiration! Some tips on how to change your energetic state and make a quick and powerful shift in what’s happening

InStory Live- Morning inspiration! Some tips on how to change your energetic state and make a quick and powerful shift in what’s happening. How can you see things in a new way and be in a new energy. Try being curious. What if it doesn’t take more time or more effort to create more results?

InStory Live- Four steps to reconnect to your light no matter what and shine your light and tell your story!

InStory Live- Four steps to reconnect to your light no matter what and shine your light and tell your story!
A day of illumination tap into your inner being and let the light of your soul illuminate your life and our world!