Tag Archives: InStory Live

InStory Live- TORAH teaching from Jewish spiritual wisdom. From the teachings of Rebbe Nachman. Why do people give up hope?

InStory Live- TORAH teaching from Jewish spiritual wisdom. From the teachings of Rebbe Nachman. Why do people give up hope? Such a powerful answer! Learn how to regain hope and joy and knowing our deep worthiness. And how to tap into JOY!

InStory Live- How do you choose the higher way?

InStory Live- How do you choose the higher way? Especially when those around you are not. In this video I share a little bit of the Bible story of when the spies come back with a bad report about the land. And it’s a beautiful model for how do we be the ones who make a good choice and take leadership. It’s also an opportunity to notice what are you saying to yourself and what choices are you making.

InStory Live- Tell your stories! What is profound? What moves you?

InStory Live- Tell your stories! What is profound? What moves you? In this video I share how to tap into and tell sweet stories from your past to make a difference for others. So often people ask me what story to tell and here are some tips to answer that question and one particular way.

InStory Live- How to uplift your day! Try this! Look up! Get up. Stand up. What lifts you up?

InStory Live- How to uplift your day! Try this! Look up! Get up. Stand up. What lifts you up?Take this simple word, UP and use it to uplift your whole being and your whole day and maybe some of the people around you. There’s a delightful children’s book called, “A Great Day for Up!”

InStory Live- Try this exercise to raise your vibration and frequency!

InStory Live- Try this exercise to raise your vibration and frequency! It’s called the inner smile. I did it before this video and a number of very high frequency people tuned in to the video live who usually do not show up. Try this and let me know if you notice a difference. Also what are your favorite practices for raising your vibration or frequency?