InStory Live- SHOFAR! Last day for blowing of this so far tonight begins the Jewish new year. It is a powerful time for setting intentions and visions and trusting the calling of your soul. May this be a year of great blessings for us all. And I bless you to find the light of your soul, your soul story so that you can lead with your intuition, lead in your lane and live a life that is joyous fulfilling and lights you up!
Shana Tovah!
Tag Archives: shofar
InStory Live- SHOFAR! Only one more day this year blowing the shofar! The Jewish new year begins this coming Friday night. It’s the new moon a new opening and maybe bring us all new blessings. Watch this video and tune in to asking that your year be good and sweet and that we bring blessing and sweetness into our world in the coming year!
Shanah Tova! Happy new year!
InStory Live- SHOFAR! Wake up! Wake up your soul! And live your soul story!
InStory Live- SHOFAR! What is opening up? To what can you say yes? Post your answers in the comments. Watch this video and listen to the shofar and feel that there is truly an opening for you!
InStory Live-SHOFAR! A meditation for healing and blessing for you and for our world.
InStory Live- SHOFAR! Creating an opening from the sound of the shofar for blessings. What is possible and new and good. Listen and tap in to prayers for yourself, for your family and for our world!
And see below in the comments for a link to join the free INSTORY SHOW! Our theme this season is living your soul story in the second half of life.
InStory Live- Shofar! Aligning to your center! Sending blessings out into the world for healing and for calming rain to put out all the terrible fires and for whatever else you need. This is the time where you can align to what’s calling you forward. Listen, center and trust yourself and the calling of your soul! Post in the comments and let me know how you’re doing!
InStory Live- SHOFAR! Listen to the blast of the shofar and let it blow away all that is in the way of you shining the light of your soul and telling your story!
InStory Live- SHOFAR! If you want to activate the most powerful part of yourself and find the key to unlock whatever is holding you stuck watch this video and take deep activated action. There’s something powerful happening now and you can tap into it! Type yes in the comments if this is for you!
InStory Live- SHOFAR! Are you connected to your soul? Watch this video to clear away blocks and turn into your soul calling so that you can live your soul story!