Tag Archives: transformational stories

InStory Live- Tapping Into Truth!

Monday: Mastering the moment!
Making messes into magic and miracles! How to shift out of anything back into joy, light and inspiration!

Tuesday: Tapping into truth!
Focusing on how you start your day. Here are the steps of the order of connection that work for me. I encourage you to try them and let me know what happens.
1) Connect to God and your own inner guidance
2) Connect to truth. Perhaps by reading a powerful text that is the truth of your path.
3) Love! Tune in to the expanded energy of love and joy and let it fill you up and light you up!
4) Service. This is your work in the world. Now that you are authentically connected to God, your truth, and love you are ready to serve and make a difference in the world. And remember this also leads to making money in an elevated, ethical, authentic and connected way!
Post a comment and let me know if this resonates with you and how you begin your day.

InStory Live- Thinking New Thoughts

INSTORY LIVE! With a short powerful process to do today!
Thursday: Thinking new thoughts. How to see yourself bigger and play bigger! I reveal a very simple, yet extraordinarily powerful exercise you can do to begin to see yourself bigger and play bigger! Take the time today to watch this video and do this exercise. Let me know how it goes. I’m taking on the challenge to do this as well.