The Umbrella. The power of images and metaphors in life!

The Umbrella

Sometimes, I like to do my InStory guided process on myself and ask: What is an image or metaphor that’s just right for this moment?

A few days ago, before getting up in the morning, after some quiet meditative rituals, I asked this question. And the image I received was an umbrella.
Not just any umbrella—two kinds of umbrellas.

The first was the ordinary umbrella, the kind we open to shield ourselves from the rain. A simple, elegant act of protection. This umbrella reminds me that I have the ability to create an energetic barrier, to stop the downpour of difficulties from soaking through. I can raise this umbrella and feel a sense of shelter, clarity, and ease even when the world around me feels stormy.

The second was what I heard as a Mary Poppins umbrella—the kind that lifts me up and beyond. This umbrella isn’t about protection but elevation. It carries me above the ordinary, beyond limitations, into new realms of possibility.

For me, at first, this happens in the realm of spiritual imagination—expanding how we see, what we believe, and what we allow ourselves to dream. Over time, this shift in perception translates into real transformation in the world in which we walk.

This umbrella image has stayed with me for days, but until now, I hadn’t fully explored it. As I reflect, I see it as a gift—an understanding that I have the ability to create an energetic state where the weight of the world does not push me off center. I can raise my umbrella and remain steady.

And beyond that, I also have the ability to lift up. To rise beyond the old stories, the limitations I’ve been told or have told myself. The Mary Poppins umbrella lifts us above what once seemed impossible—revealing what was always there, waiting to be seen.

So, I offer you the gift of an umbrella. One to shelter you in this world. And one to lift you beyond it.
May you be blessed with an energetic umbrella—both for protection and for ascension—so you can step fully into the new possibilities before you.

Much love and blessings!

Is your story calling you? Do you have a story to tell but are not sure where to begin? Schedule a Soul Story Session with me and I will help you step fully into the new possibilities before you and find your “Mary Poppins Umbrella!”