Grateful to share these two testimonials:
“Yes! This is who I am now, in great part because of your courage to share your gifts with me and so many over the years. Truly. I had a big (positive) rewiring yesterday. And a new idea came to me about a product I can offer!”
~ Delia Marlene Horwitz
This is not what I had been planning to send out.
I wrote this some time ago and was copying it to share with a coaching group. I had intended to copy something else here for an email. Surprise! This stayed copied and showed up here. OK I thought I will send it out!
I wrote in a flow from my heart. I wrote it about you. You, the wonderful women in my world and in my tribe.
Is this you?
This wonderful, wise woman with a magic soul light has a problem that she has never felt valued for this part of herself.
No one has told her how to shape and share these deep gifts.
No one has told her how to use the wisdom of her story to make a difference for others.
She’s afraid that no one will like her story.
That somehow she is not good enough, that what she has to offer is too out there.
She knows what she has to offer is deeply spiritual, creative, magical and filled with light and does not fit the old forms of what success was supposed to look like.
She’s tired of the old forms and she will not go back.
She is ready to embark on a journey with like-minded light, magical women who are deep and perhaps a little wacky filled with creative spirit and wisdom.
She is ready to gain the guidance, support, confidence and clarity to finally share this essence of her being, the soul magical light that is most valuable… more than any other part of herself.
Now she can actually shape that into form.
First she must go gently with love and safety to tap into the deep part of herself and give it voice and form, color and shape and let it come out of hiding and bring it into the light.
This must be done at first gently and in a group of supportive women along the way with her.
When she has shared her soul calling and light and magic and gifts in a safe group she will gain new wiring so to speak and she will be able to let the old stories go and rewire new clarity and new confidence into her energetic system.
She will have a raising of her frequency, a strengthening of her self-confidence, her self-authority and her knowledge.
It is hers to bring and it is a gift and there is no more danger in doing this.
She will gain access to her deep, soul calling through guided processes that give her access to her stories, images, metaphors and her higher guidance.
She will develop her intuition and learn to trust it and lead with it.
She will then be able to form this soul light, magical wisdom into a book or a course or talk or art or mentoring.
She will be able to shape her light into form.
Is this you?
I hope this is you and that you are brave and ready and willing to go forward!
Not sure if this is you or if The InStory Way is your way? Ask me! Schedule a free Soul Story Session. We will look deeply and see what your soul is calling you to do and how you can tell your story, shine your light and fulfill your purpose.
I never thought I would send this out as an email but it showed up and asked me to share it with you. I trust these moments. I hope you do too.