A Blessing from the Trees. On flying free!

I am in my favorite spot. The forest is quiet and still, cloudy, cool waiting for something perhaps.
I saw a large, fallen tree I don’t remember seeing before. I feel a little sad for it, all uprooted and fallen.
But I know it is part of the life cycle of the forest.
Just like it is for us.

A Blessing from the Trees

In every moment, there is something new to be revealed.
In the stillness there is wonder.
In the wild rumpus there is joy.
In the surprising moments that turn things upside down there is a portal created for new realities to emerge.
Allow yourselves the freedom to be curious, wondering.
Open, searching, invested and engaged in what is new.
Dear ones you can expand beyond all that you have thought was possible before this moment.
Into something so tremendously wondrous that you will be expanded beyond your wildest dreams.
Oh, you are beautiful.
In the simple, quiet stillness of your beings.
And in the expanded , wild visions that humans have.
We love you.
You are loved and blessed.
Cherish and treasure the wonders of the soul you have been given.
Allow it to fly free into the new expanse that is calling to you.