InStory Live- What does it mean to be whole?

InStory Live- What does it mean to be whole? Feel the power of the pattern of going from whole to broken and always back to being whole.
And tap in to your ability to stand strong. Watch this video, listen to the shofar and tap into your strength and courage to follow the calling of your soul.

InStory Live- How to shift! As leaders this is a tool we have to master.

InStory Live- How to shift! As leaders this is a tool we have to master. What are your favorite tools for shifting out of a negative state?Here are some of mine.-Gratitude! -Listening to speakers and interviews with new ears from different communities to expand my consciousness.-The shofar as a tool for awakening and shifting out of negative energy.-and remember to pick one thing to do! What is your DOT for today? Cheering you on! Share in the comments!