InStory Live- Blackberries! What is the metaphor of the dangerous yet sweet blackberry bush?

InStory Live- Blackberries! What is the metaphor of the dangerous yet sweet blackberry bush? See how you can turn the small moments of your life and the wonders of nature into metaphors to nourish your soul and inspire others.

InStory Live- There is a Jewish teaching that The garments of the soul are thought speech and deed.

InStory Live- There is a Jewish teaching that The garments of the soul are thought speech and deed. I share an idea here that I would love to see what you think about it. How can we can raise up so to speak the garments of our soul to shine our lights more brightly into the world.

InStory Live-  What do you love to do? What is your natural gift?

InStory Live-  What do you love to do? What is your natural gift? Do you use and value your most natural gifts? I have noticed many of us think that the thing we do most easily and well does not have value. It turns out the opposite is true. What do you love to do post it here! Have you noticed this as well?

InStory Live-  Have you ever had the thought, “I’m not good enough?“ join the club!

InStory Live-  Have you ever had the thought, “I’m not good enough?“ join the club! Wait till you hear who else thinks that and what we can do about it! Do not let feelings of not being good enough stop you ever!