Category Archives: blog

A Blessing from the Trees. On the infinite soul expanding within your being.

I am standing once again in my most favorite spot that is always the same and new and expanding and infinite, just like us and our world A Blessing from the Trees The tears of the human heart water the infinite soul that has been given to each of you. Feel the expanded water of…

A blessing from the Trees. On knowing you are here for a reason

It’s cool, humid and still in the forest today. The forest called me and I am happy to answer that call and stand in the majestic, cool, quiet presence of the trees. A Blessing from the Trees The intersecting presence calls to you. The trees, rooted in the earth. The sky expansive, beyond measure. Your…

A Blessing from the Trees. On flying free!

I am in my favorite spot. The forest is quiet and still, cloudy, cool waiting for something perhaps. I saw a large, fallen tree I don’t remember seeing before. I feel a little sad for it, all uprooted and fallen. But I know it is part of the life cycle of the forest. Just like…

A Blessing from the Trees. On standing deep.

I’m in my favorite spot after a time away for having a cold, for celebrating Passover and now I am back. I love the feeling of being back to something soul nourishing and empowering that I can always return to and remember. I have been thinking about remembering of late. (More on that in another…

A Blessing from the Trees. On standing tall in the essence of your being.

I am standing in my favorite spot on a beautiful, clear, bright spring evening. I am feeling blessed to do the work in the world that I do. To be learning what is new and bright and shining in my world. So blessed and honored to serve in this way. As I tune into the…

A Blessing from a Fallen Tree. You will rise again!

A Blessing from a Fallen Tree, February 1, 2024 I am sitting on one of my favorite trees in a neighborhood trail close to my home. I can remember two small stumps coming out of the main trunk where I used to stand and put my hands, my head, my heart against the big trunk…

A Blessing from the Trees. On allowing

I am standing in my favorite spot in the forest. And today, for the first time I saw new buds on the branches of the trees that lose their leaves. There is green that is here all year long. The ferns, the moss, the evergreen trees. And then there are the ones that lose their…