Category Archives: blog

Is this you? On being a wonderful, wise woman with a magic soul light

Grateful to share these two testimonials: “Yes!  This is who I am now, in great part because of your courage to share your gifts with me and so many over the years.  Truly. I had a big (positive) rewiring yesterday.  And a new idea came to me about a product I can offer!”    ~ Delia Marlene…

Audio Message! And a Blessing from the Trees. There is always a source of blessing along your way.

I have not spoken to you of this before. The audio message tells the story of the theme of this Blessing from the Trees. It is a story of how a verse from Psalms (110:7) came to me upon waking one morning and then I heard it again and sought out its meaning. I was…

A Blessing from the Trees. On remembering and shining.

I am standing in a different spot at the top of a trail into the forest at the end of my walk. And I couldn’t leave without doing a blessing from the trees. I have spent the last two hours surrounded and blessed by the trees. And the sun came out! A Blessing from the…

A Blessing from the Trees. On being expanded.

Rain and sun and wind and blessing, weaving joy around me and creating the magical forest I love so much! Come in with me for a blessing! A Blessing from the Trees We are always ready and happy to bless all of you from all of us in oneness. Feel the eternal oneness of the…

Audio Message! And a Blessing from the Tress. On trust.

I am standing in the forest in my favorite spot in the rain and it is so beautiful. I’m in the mist and the mystery and the mysterious that is wondrous! And standing to receive a blessing from the trees! A Blessing from the Trees Oh you are here! And we are here. And you…

A Blessing from the Trees. On being.

There are those who say that the date 10/10 is a portal of opening. I say any moment can be created to be a portal of opening if we pause to open it. So when I stoped in the forest in my favorite spot to receive a blessing from the trees that is the opening…

A blessing from the Trees. On healing.

I’m in my favorite spot on a cool August morning and I have a cold. I have not been feeling well since Saturday and my voice is very scratchy and my energy is low and I am congested and thankful all at the same time. Something about the fear in the world about getting Covid…