InStory Live- What’s Your WHY? What’s Your WAY?
InStory Live- What story are you telling yourself? Maybe you have a new story and it’s time to tell of that new story? How do you notice and share a new life story?And a little bit about my experience stepping into an old story and how that feels and how much I appreciate my new story!
InStory Live- How do you know when what you are going through is it test? In this teaching I pass on a teaching I learned about how to notice four kinds of tests and how to make more elevated choices about moving forward.How to pass your tests and get back up over and over doing better and better and telling yourself a new story that is more empowering and liberating!
InStory Live- Telling Tales!
InStory Live- How to get off of automatic. How to handle triggers when they come up.
InStory Live- Torah Teaching!
InStory Live- “The call of the quiet!“ that’s what came to me this morning. How do you get quiet and tune in to your own wisdom? In this video I teach a simple yet powerful writing process and some other techniques to tap into transformational concepts to help you bring your wisdom into the world. How do you tap into your story because that is what makes you unique and will help you find your unique voice.
InStory Live- Telling Tales
InStory Live- “Most people have a profoundly mistaken concept of the very nature of their own existence.“ Rebbe Nachman There is a deep teaching here on the incredible light and power and the holiness of your soul. How do you tap into that and bring it out in the world?Also tomorrow begins the I hope you will join me!
InStory Live- Feeling Fierce, Fit, Fabulous & Free!