Tag Archives: joy

A Blessing from the Trees. On flying free!

I am in my favorite spot. The forest is quiet and still, cloudy, cool waiting for something perhaps. I saw a large, fallen tree I don’t remember seeing before. I feel a little sad for it, all uprooted and fallen. But I know it is part of the life cycle of the forest. Just like…

A Blessing from the Trees. On joy and storms and blessings.

I want to speak about joy and wholeness and weathering storms and still being whole and feeling blessings always. A Blessing from the Trees In the stillness of your being is a place of great expansion. Become still and feel the expanded state of your inner being. Feel the expansiveness of not just being a…

InStory Live- It’s the last day of 2020!

InStory Live- It’s the last day of 2020! And I am in the forest for this video and speaking about what brings us joy and making sure we put that kind of on the front burner of our intentions for the coming year. Sending you all blessings for a year filled with light and love and joy!

A Blessing From the Trees! We love you!

Yesterday I stopped to receive a blessing from the trees in my favorite spot. I felt I had to ask for a blessing. Please bless me and everyone with a blessing to draw closer to the Holy One, to the fulfillment of our highest purposes and to the closeness of our beings to great joy…